The field trip schedule is on the Club's Calendar.
HMBC members receive a complete list of field trips with all trip details. If you need another copy, just login as a member and you'll find it in the Member's section.
Check HMBirds messages before any trip for updated information.
Non-members are welcome at all unreserved local trips, but we do ask that you register by sending a note to the Field Trip Committee Chair. Overnight and out-of-the-region trips are generally closed to non-members.
If you have suggestions for field trips or if you would like to volunteer to lead a trip, please do not hesitate to send a note to the Field Trips Committee Chair.
The Club strongly encourages its members to make the welfare of the birds and bird habitats their top priority while birding. The Club has officially endorsed the American Birding Association's Code of Birding Ethics as the ethical standard for organized Club field trips. A copy of that code may be read at this ABA web page
The following is a condensation of the guidelines that appear in our member field trip schedule.