If you are interested in wild birds, then you should join HMBC.
membership includes birders of all kinds and all skill levels --
beginning birders, backyard birders, casual birders, regional birders,
traveling birders, fanatics, and experts. No matter what kind of birder
you are, you will find someone who shares your interests. To join by mail, download the Membership Form (pdf) and mail it in along with your dues to:
Gregg Recer
23 Scotch Mist Way
Malta, NY 12020 |
Our dues are very modest:
- Student Membership: $6.00
- Household membership: $20.00
- Sustaining membership: $30.00
- Life Memberships available. Contact Membership Committee Chair.
What you get for your dues?
- Full access to over 40 field trips a year
- Colleagues who can help you build your birding skills
- A directory to over 300 birders in our region (our members)
- Our bimonthly newsletter Feathers
- Attend the annual dinner meeting (we have a special speaker)
- Full access to this website where you can:
- --
Access our on-line directory of members. -- Download current and
back-issues of Feathers -- Download a complete list of field trips.