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Building the birding community in New York's Hudson-Mohawk Region

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  • Officers, Board, Committee Chairs

President - Tristan Lowery (third 1-year term)
Vice president - Eric Molho (second 1-year term)
Secretary - Amanda Dillon
Treasurer - Chris Edwardson

The terms of the officers expire in 2025

Board members:
Dan Leonard (first year, first term)

Cindy Edwardson (first year, second term)

Laurie Keefe (first year, first term)

Daniel Schlaepfer (second year, first term)

Rich White (first year, first term)

Committee Chairs
Audit: vacant
Conservation: vacant
Field Trips: Naomi Lloyd
Membership: Gregg Recer
Outreach: vacant
Programs: Scott Stoner
Publications: Denise Hackert-Stoner
Records: vacant
Reist Sanctuary: Doug and Maria Conklin
Social: vacant
Technology: vacant
Youth: vacant

Copyright © 1998 -2024

Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyrights to photos and the Birdfinding Calendar are retained by the individual copyright owners. 

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