Saturday, May 25, FOX HILL RD. (Saratoga County; morning)
Coordinator: John Hershey 518-371-3114
On this trip we will travel through the remote forested and wetland areas along Lake Desolation Rd. and Fox Hill Rd. in Saratoga County. We will bird from the roadside, and explore areas recently acquired by New York State for conservation and recreation.
Higher elevation breeders will be the main target. As many as 15 or more breeding warbler species are possible including Nashville, Canada, and Mourning Warbler. Other breeding species that have been seen in the past include American Bittern, Northern Goshawk, Broad-winged Hawk, and Swainson’s Thrush.
Because we will be birding from the road, it will be necessary to share vehicles and to limit the number of participants to 16. Waterproof footwear is recommended. Contact the coordinator for reservations, and other information.
Meet at the Hannaford parking lot on Trieble Ave. at 7:30 a.m.