Coordinators: Gregg Recer and Cathy Graichen 518-330-4552 (GR)
This trip to the Rhode Island coast will focus on wintering loons, grebes, gulls, waterfowl, and shorebirds. Sachuest Point NWR generally hosts large numbers of wintering Harlequin Ducks, along with scoters, eiders, goldeneye and Long-tailed Duck, and is usually a good spot for Purple Sandpiper and Great Cormorant. We’ll also cover other coastal locales such as Pt. Judith, East Providence, and Galilee searching for white-winged gulls, wintering hawks, open-field birds and alcids. We plan to leave Friday so as to have two full days birding. There will be a limit of 10 participants (including the coordinators) for this trip.
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED; Contact the coordinators by January 26 for reservations and logistics details.